Project title:
Grand Genève, Vision Territoriale Transfrontalière 2050, PACA Rhône (2022-2024)
Main themes:
Net zero, regional development in the context of climate change, research by design, coordination of landscape - urban development - traffic, cross-scale planning, workshop process, cooperation between experts / research / local politics, region of short distances, critical mass, cross-border planning, French and Swiss urban planning, hubs, multimodality, water space, nature and cultural land, leisure and local recreation, tourism, centralities, trade and jobs, sustainable mobility, settlement development and density
Güller & Güller Architecture Urbanism (lead, urbanism), Van de Wetering Atelier für Städtebau GmbH (urbanism, regional planning), mrs partner AG (traffic), Base Lyon (landscape), David Martin (energy, sustainability), Linkfabric (process, sociology, tourism), Tribu (biodiversity, environment)
Region Grand Genève
Shortlist SIA-Prize